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Martin Tracey

Albert the Great on Health, Disease, and Disability

JANUARY 2025 - A two-day program is scheduled for January 13-14 2025 at the College for Social Sciences and Humanities, University Alliance Ruhr | Research Alliance, Lindenallee 39-41 | 45127 Essen, Germany. The program, still taking shape, will examine “Albert the Great on Health, Disease, and Disability”. For more information contact We expect to stream presentations online. At present, this is our list of presenters:

  1. Alessandro Palazzo, Università di Trento

  2. Amalia Cerritto, Università di Trento

  3. Görge Hasselhoff, Dortmund University of Technology

  4. Keagan Brewer, Macquarie University

  5. Marilena Panarelli, Humboldt Fellow at the University of Cologne

  6. Mario Loconsole, Università Del Salento

  7. Henryk Anzulewicz, Albertus-Magnus-Institut

  8. Irven M. Resnick, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and senior fellow (2024-25) at College for Social Sciences and Humanities, University Alliance Ruhr.

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